Monday, August 24, 2009

The Geriatric Teenager

We live in a land full of geriatric teenagers.

Geriatric teenager: One who becomes jealous of something meaningless, like a teenager but teases other in a way that mirrors the actions of the elderly.

Examples: Becoming jealous of someone talking to the opposite sex because that member of the opposite sex is someone you want but can't have.
Out of pure boredom you go after people that are talking to each other just because they are the opposite sex and say "Oh so and so has a crush on you" "So and so likes you" "Where's he/she, oh they're with so and so of course"

I have come to this realization while working at my current job. Some days I feel like I'm back in high school. I have developed a friendship with our computer tech guy and to my fellow employees they think it's attraction that is the reason we speak together when in reality it's just because we happen to have loads in common. The comments and judgements that are thrown our way are ridiculous. There is one girl who has expressed jealousy in this situation.. when I have called looking for the tech guy she tells him "Oh your baseball girlfriend is looking for you". She used to talk to me all the time but now it's rare or she only shows interest if the conversation revolves around her. The guy sees it too...
We've seen comments that range from

"Morgan has a crush on you" to " Oh I see you flirting with Morgan"

I honestly thought that when you moved from the school world to the work force that everyone would grow up at least a little but apparently everyone has stayed in the high school mind set or else they are preparing themselves for the geriatric life where they can say anything they want and get away with it for the most part.

I don't understand why and how people can live in a world where the feel that the only reason for a guy and girl to speak is sex. It's just not like that anymore. In some aspects I much prefer to have guys to talk to. Throughout my life I have for the most part always had a male confidant. They are great. You can have fun but you don't have to deal with the tears and heartache as much. Guys are pretty much drama free and that's a nice break to have in a group of friends.

The job itself isn't too bad but I wish there was a little more for me to do in my department...It's just the people that are pulling all my nerves. It's ridiculous the only people that I can manage to hang out with and hold a conversation are the shipping guys, the tech guy, the girl that shares my desk and that's pretty much it. Everyone else is too stuck up or way far out of my age bracket so I don't have anything whatsoever in common with them. This is just a weird atmosphere. My last few jobs have been primarily all young females so you have plenty in common with a side of cattiness...But this is way different. I don't really fit in anywhere in particular just with the few odd people listed above.

Everyone has a geriatric teenager in there life..the question is what do you do with them?