When the New Year rolls around, people tend to say it's a new start. It's January 4th and I have yet to feel my new start. I am still drowning in the black hole I finished 2009 with. I am losing myself to 2009. I am not one to make New Year's resolutions but I think this year I may have to. So this year I will rid myself of the negative in my life; starting with this job!! Now that the holidays are done I am hoping that I will get calls for job interviews and that more jobs will pop up on the radar. By the end of January I want to be moving on to new things away from the dark cave I have come to know as BOMImed. Even if I don't have another job lined up I believe it's time to get away from here. While job searching I am wanting to dive into my painting a little bit(and try to sell it online) and do some volunteer work with the elderly, as previously mentioned. Today was going to be the day I was going to hand in my resignation but I am thinking I may wait until January 15th the latest so I at least have a little more money if the unfortunate task of unemployment comes into play. I'm hoping it doesn't come down to unemployment because I am not looking forward to being a disappointment to so many people in my life. I had vowed to myself that I would never leave a job without having another lined up but it has gotten to the point where I look and feel miserable for a majority of the time. This is not my life! So it's time for a change!
I honestly don't know why my blog has become such a repeated account of my "tragic" life. I hate that all I can do is complain. Where has the thrill and adventure gone in my life? How in the world did I manage to push that sunny, positive attitude that I had adopted over the summer away?
Let's find some positivity. Christmas was good for me. I was sickish for part of it but that's normal; every year without fail there is always something wrong with me. Unfortunately this year Adam had to work Christmas Day and Boxing Day. I must say it was weird not having him with me for Christmas after these 4 years of him being around. I was spoiled with gifts this year. The tie for best gift is between the Wii that Adam got me and the insane baking basket that Adam's Mom put together for me. I spent the holidays with family and when at home I was on my Wii for the majority! We decided that we would have a laid back New Years Eve. We bought cheap movies and just spent some time relaxing while eating a large amount of unhealthy foods. Having the 5 days off at Christmas and the 3.5 days off for New Years was wonderful. It gave me a chance to actually feel like me for a little bit; which was quite the blessing. I am so jealous of my mom who will be spending next week in the sun in Mexico; what I wouldn't give to trade her places. In 10 days it will be 4 years that I have been with my Adam and it has truly been a wonderful 4 years. To celebrate I shall donate blood. not really but that happens to be the day that the blood donor clinic is in town and last time they wouldn't let me donate because my pulse was pulsing too much. Adam works a day shift that day so if all goes well I will be home by the time my honey gets back from work. I am anxiously planning for my quickly approaching 22nd birthday. 24 days!! I am psyched! This year it's going to be games night! We will be playing Wii and of course the "old fashioned" type of games...finding sticks and stones in the woods...just kidding; we will play board games!
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