Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Packing Machine

My boyfriend Adam and I just sold our mobile home. We were both very excited about it. We're now going to be moving into his parents summer kitchen for the winter so we can save up some money to invest in a house.

I'm thrilled about moving right now because I really didn't care for living in the Selkirk Mobile Home park. With it's close proximity to the Selkirk Mental Hospital, every once in awhile you will hear this very loud high pitched alarm. The first time we heard it was in the middle of the night during a huge thunder storm. We had no clue what it was. Months later a neighbour said that it was from the Mental and was a warning to surrounding areas that a patient was out and to lock your doors. Hearing that makes you feel safe....or not. But recently a friend of mine who works at the Mental said that it's a fire alarm and means that a patient has lit their bed or something on fire. Apparently the "a patient is loose" alarm only rings within the buildings. Either way it's very weird. Also the trailer park is close to the Selkirk police station and hospital so every day you hear the multiple sirens going off...and it's true you do not go a day without hearing more than one siren.

Maybe I'm so excited about moving because I'm a country girl and really am not used to having neighbours so close. It's crazy for me. The neighbours driveway is right out of our bedroom window and when you're in the bedroom you hear absolutely everything. And then there is a neighbour that has this giant, hideous, truck that is so loud that you want to go slash his tires and shove a potato in the exhaust pipe. He loves to rev his engine at the craziest times...like 3 in the morning. I will for sure not miss that at all!

For the past few days I've been packing like crazy even though the people that bought it don't get possession until September 1st. The weird thing is that I love packing. I'm not sure why but I do. It's great!! I just am not looking forward to the unpacking...that's the pain in the butt. It will especially be interesting because the summer kitchen that we're moving into isn't that big. I will make it work though. Lots of stuff will be going in to storage so it might not be too bad.

Once we are all settled in, it's definitely going to be a change of pace. Adam and I will have to cook supper once a week and we'll be cooking for 6-8 people. We're used to cooking for 2 so this will be very different. At least Gypsy(our dog) will have more room to run around and Dyna(our cat) will be reunited with her Mama and sister.

It's going to be good! I can feel it in my bones!

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