Friday, September 25, 2009

Decisions of Many and Excitement of Plenty

My question of the day is: What do you do when your schooling has led you nowhere? It's a valid question, isn't it?
Graduated broadcasting school two years ago...crazy to think it's been that long. It has taken me nowhere. Upon completion of Academy of Broadcasting I had landed a job as Summer Events Coordinator at CHVN; that job lasted four months and then summer came to an end and they said, "See ya!" even though they had promised me employment come the end of summer. So that was August 2007 and since then there has been no room for me in the broadcasting field here in Manitoba. I have been to multiple interviews but everyone has said that I either do not have the experience they are needing or my vision is fogged by my want to do on air. People have said that I have not looked hard enough because I am not willing to move for the job. Well I'm sorry that I would rather not leave my family, boyfriend and friends to move to middle of nowhere far from anywhere radio station that I would be paid pennies at. I want to write commercials or talk on the air but because I haven't gained the experience they push me aside. I believe myself to be a talented writer but all potential employers see is the girl with no experience. It's discouraging when you haven't been able to secure a job in your chosen field for two entire years.
So your mind wanders to all the "what if" possibilities. Should I have gone to school for something else? Should I have declared a major in high school instead of just doing everything? Or am I destined to work at nothing jobs? I've been asked by people if I have ever considered going back to school. I most certainly have and I have made many excuses putting it off. My main excuse is money. I have debt that needs to be paid off before considering going back to school. Once money is more settled in our household, going back to school may be an option. Another option once debt is more settled is to just work part time and rely on the man to bring home the bacon...but I think we'll wait a good amount of years before we come to that. If school does become an option I think I would want to go into something like event planning or baking. But not just baking, something more than that, like cake decorating...that would be very cool and an enjoyable job!!
There are so many decisions in this regard that you don't really know where to start. The time will come and I will pursue something great and it will make up for these many years of pushing my way to the top. I will make my way in this world just you wait and see!!

On to brighter and shinier's Friday! Thank goodness, I thought the weekend would never come...I know that sounds cliche. Tonight will be the kick off to this glorious fall weekend! Unfortunately Adam works tonight so tonight will be pizza, popcorn and TV on the Internet(aka Survivor and Grey's Anatomy). I also will be baking birthday cupcakes for my wonderful man who will be celebrating his 25th birthday tomorrow! Tonight will be a nice relaxation period to store up my energy for Saturday! Tomorrow will include icing the cupcakes, cleaning the house and preparing for the birthday fun! We are going to celebrate with an "Around the World T-shirt" party which will include a bonfire and tasty treats. It will be so nice having a bonfire now that the weather is finally cooling down!! Sunday Adam is going hunting so I am still undecided on what I will do. I think I may paint so watercolor pictures or who knows maybe it will just be a movie day! Whatever happens this weekend, it will be great so I can't wait!

According to Environment Canada the weather is dropping down to my long awaited Autumn temperatures! So excited!!! The sweaters and scarves will come out and you can't even imagine how pumped I am for that!! I have already washed all of my scarves, mitts and hats to remove the awful musty smell so they're ready to go and so am I!! Yay Fall!!!

As for kitten status...Pancake has been M.I.A. for the last few days and is still not at our house. Yesterday I went to my mom's and all of the cats were in the barn except her. I think she senses I'm coming to take her away. The other option is she has decided to be promiscuous and is out seeking a boyfriend to impregnate her.

That is how the world is seen today. My advice for you is think things out and take time to enjoy yourself!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hear ye, hear ye Autumn has cometh

Today is the first official day of Fall. I do believe that it is time for celebration! If I currently wasn't feeling so ill I would get up to do a happy dance but in my current state "No, thank-you". This week the forecast still is showing warmer than normal temperatures but at least in the evening the temps are going down to respectable fall levels. I honestly cannot believe that it's the end of September and the grass is still brilliantly green. At least the trees are slowly turning to the beautiful hues of Autumn. It is so nice to be able to sleep and not melt to death! But apparently along with fall comes the ever dreaded change of season illness. It's no fun whatsoever! I am hoping with a little TLC I will be able to kick this ailment in the butt. Right now I am sitting back and enjoying a nice, warm, refreshing mug of peppermint tea. It's not only refreshing but it's also helping to settle my upset stomach; I highly suggest it if you're not feeling up to par.
I must say that I am loving the sounds of the geese flying south for the winter! One question I do have is where do they fly to? Is there this special "Northern Birds Only" Winter resort somewhere down in Mexico? Or do they just fly until it's warm and settle where the sun shines? And if indeed they are Canadian geese, what do they people in warmer climates say when suddenly this odd looking goose lands in their area. It's a conundrum! Also, do the same geese come back north to the same place they left? By my office there is this big landscaped area that the geese tend to hang out and you have to wonder will the same ones come back here in the spring.
Something very exciting that is coming with Fall is the fact that Adam and I are getting a new kitten. She is all black and fluffy and her name is Pancake. We are getting her from my Mom. I'm picking her up tomorrow night probably. Very excited!! It will be interesting to see how the dog and the cat react to this addition to our little family. Dyna the cat will most likely be rather peeved at first but she'll warm up to the new little one hopefully!
Halloween is just over a month away and I think that I have finally made my decision on the costume. I am going to be a witch. I know that it is one of the more common choices but I have always loved each time that I have been this particular character. Each time I dress as a witch the costume always has improvements or different styles but the costume is always great! This year I think I'm going to try to be a little bit "Hocus Pocus" in my style. I love the movie deeply and am going to enjoy taking examples from the characters. It shall be simply marvelous!
My conclusion is simple, " Have a wonderful first day of Autumn" Your sweaters are calling!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Strange Days & the Smell of Fall

When you stop worrying about things, you start to notice the world around you. When your over-stressed mind is clear the world becomes your oyster...I have no clue what that exactly means but sounds cool. Anyways... I've been pushing the negative out and pulling the positive in lately. Since the clutter in my mind that is known as stress is slowly dissipating I have become much more aware of my surroundings. One thing that I have become aware of is foot ware on the side of the road. While driving I tend to see shoes and rubber boots randomly laying on the side of the road. For some reason I always tend to look to see if it's the left or right shoe. Amazingly like 95% of the time it's the left boot. It's bizarre. Does this mean that there are hundreds of people wandering around with only one shoe or has the world suddenly become infested by left leg, peg legged pirates. Personally, I kind of hope it's the pirate option...pirates are cool...or at least the friendly ones are!! :) Another thing I noticed was while driving to work this morning. I was stopped at a red light and happened to look over at the van beside me. First thing I noticed was that there were 5 young children in car seats in this van so I say to myself, "Wow, that's a handful". I then look up to the driver and have to take a double take because the woman driving this van was eating a bowl of cereal while driving. I could not believe it. It's one thing to eat like a burger and fries while driving because they can be eaten with one hand but a bowl of cereal? Unless you happen to have a third hand or tentacle how are you holding the steering wheel? Also, is it really safe to not have your full attention on the road when there are 5 little ones in the back seat?
Apparently most of my noticing of things occur while driving and that's where my next siting has been seen. I was driving down Manitoba Ave in Selkirk yesterday and it was the weirdest thing; the trees on each side of the street were different colors. Not in the sense that they were different trees but in the sense that on one side they were green and on the other the leaves were turning yellow for fall and falling from the trees. It was a beautiful site but confuses you a bit. If trees on one side are preparing for fall then why wouldn't the other side? It's just some of the beauty you find in this world I guess.
To continue on the subject of fall, I can smell it in the air. Currently we are still experiencing out of the ordinary weather for September. 30 degrees in the middle of September kind of freaks me out. But even with the heat I still smell Fall in the air. It's not the "Oh I want Fall so badly that I think it's close", it's a literal smell. The air changes. You no longer smell heat, you smell the crispness of freshly fallen leaves. It's the smell of cleansing rain. Fall brings me such a calm. It's a time of anticipation, a time to see the world change before your eyes. I'm very excited to whip out the variety of fall clothes that I have. Sweaters, pants, nylons under your skirts, long sleeve shirts, jackets, and boots. You have so many options in the fall and it's wonderful!! I also find that the colors of fall seem to warm me inside. They are so rich and captivating. Just walking outside in the fall seems to relax you. As the weather begins to cool, I believe that relationships become closer as well. You find more time for cuddling and holding hands. It's the romance of Autumn! Fall time brings holidays as well. Like Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday. I love the meaning of thanksgiving and the fellowship it brings. It brings family together to enjoy a meal that someone has slaved over all day. I am very thankful for Thanksgiving! Towards the end of October the warm and fuzzy feelings are pushed aside for one day and Halloween emerges!! I think I inherited my love for Halloween from my Mom. As a child my favorite TV show/movie was The Addams Family!! Halloween is just so much fun!! I especially love dressing up for it! When I was still going to school I would tend to plan my Halloween costume almost a year in advance. Halloween doesn't have to be scary either. If you want Halloween to become something other than a scare fest think of it as a masquerade. There's nothing to be scared of at a masquerade. Halloween brings the unknown. You can be whoever you want to be on Halloween. If you dream of being a princess or a cowboy or a fireman, you can do it on Halloween. This will be my first year handing out candy at my own house. I plan to decorate and dress up in costume. It's going to be very exciting for me!
Oh Fall I love you so!
I encourage you to take some time and become aware of everything around you. Keep your eyes out for random objects on the road. And please take some time to breathe deep the scent of Fall!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cancellation Policy & Positive Thinking

Cancellations...There is no way to avoid them but I really wish I could. Lately it seems that everybody is making their favorite thing to do cancelling plans with me. Oh, and it's never with plenty of time to make new plans; it's always the day before or the day of so everybody that you could make plans with is already all booked up. I don't mind if when people cancel there is a valid reason or they at least give me plenty of time but last minute with a crappy reason kind of sucks! Well it sucks big time! The plans that get cancelled are usually the ones that I have been looking forward to since the day we made them and then you get that call or text or Facebook message and you're crushed! When the same type of cancellations happen over and over again you can't help but think, "Is there something wrong with me?"

That brings me to my next stage. If you have been around me in the past weeks, months or even years you will notice my negative outlook on everything. People go through phases and negativity apparently has become one of mine. If you knew me through a good part of high school you would remember the positive, happy-go-lucky side of me. Post high school the positivity seemed to have died out a little. I don't know if it's because of the culture shock of entering "the real world" or what but unfortunately it's happened. I've somehow managed to pile the good stuff up in the back of a closet where I seem to have forgotten about it; while I stacked up the bad stuff right beside me and dwell on it like crazy. I've decided it's time for a change. The good stuff is going to come out of the closet and the crap is going to get buried away where I don't need to think of it. Even though my jobs sucks and making new friends is harder than I thought it would be I'm going to plow through and find the positive side of things. I am going to strive to be more impulsive(I've been trying to think of that word for days, mighty happy I finally remembered it); do things out of the ordinary; stop putting overly large amounts of thought into things! If someone cancels on me with short notice and a crappy excuse I will find something that makes me happy, even if it's just staying home and baking cookies! It's the whole when life serves you lemons make lemonade! The process has already began. It started off small with going to the Morris Stampede and getting my palms read. Amazingly the palm reader opened my eyes for me and pulled up the negativity veil for me even if it was just a little bit. I would never have done that before but part of me said be impulsive! Many have noticed in my life that death is something that brings me down. Well it brings everybody down generally but starting last year I suddenly had to deal with lots of it. I am finally starting to be comfortable with death or at least I think I am. My grandparents death, for example, was a crushing experience but you have to think of the good points. Yeah they're not physically on earth anymore but the memories I hold will live on until the end of time. Grandma and grandpa are feeling no pain now and I can remember all the good times and cherish them always. If you look past tragedy you will always see a light even if it's the faintest glow. Last week I attended my step grandfather's funeral. I wasn't close to him but the funeral seemed to get the whole accepting death ball rolling. We can't stop death. There's something bigger than us out there that has planned all of life's events out and death just happens to be the end of the physical plan. On my way home that day I decided to take a detour and go through the small town/village/ whatever it is of Cooks Creek. I had never been there but figured why not. When driving through I was very surprised to see this exquisite church appear before my eyes. I believe it was an Ukrainian Catholic church. This incredible building and yard stood before me surrounded in chain link. Everything was stunning. I'm telling you that this was not something you would expect to find on a Manitoba countryside. Just looking at it made you feel at peace. The amazing calm that came over me felt like something you could only see in movies. Maybe seeing this church was my light in the after effects of my step grandfather's death.

I want to see the light on the other side of the darkness. I want to strive for the positive side of things. I want to become who I was and who I am yet to be. I know with a little effort and a little impulsiveness I can do these things and will do these things. Let's see the brighter side of life!