Friday, September 25, 2009

Decisions of Many and Excitement of Plenty

My question of the day is: What do you do when your schooling has led you nowhere? It's a valid question, isn't it?
Graduated broadcasting school two years ago...crazy to think it's been that long. It has taken me nowhere. Upon completion of Academy of Broadcasting I had landed a job as Summer Events Coordinator at CHVN; that job lasted four months and then summer came to an end and they said, "See ya!" even though they had promised me employment come the end of summer. So that was August 2007 and since then there has been no room for me in the broadcasting field here in Manitoba. I have been to multiple interviews but everyone has said that I either do not have the experience they are needing or my vision is fogged by my want to do on air. People have said that I have not looked hard enough because I am not willing to move for the job. Well I'm sorry that I would rather not leave my family, boyfriend and friends to move to middle of nowhere far from anywhere radio station that I would be paid pennies at. I want to write commercials or talk on the air but because I haven't gained the experience they push me aside. I believe myself to be a talented writer but all potential employers see is the girl with no experience. It's discouraging when you haven't been able to secure a job in your chosen field for two entire years.
So your mind wanders to all the "what if" possibilities. Should I have gone to school for something else? Should I have declared a major in high school instead of just doing everything? Or am I destined to work at nothing jobs? I've been asked by people if I have ever considered going back to school. I most certainly have and I have made many excuses putting it off. My main excuse is money. I have debt that needs to be paid off before considering going back to school. Once money is more settled in our household, going back to school may be an option. Another option once debt is more settled is to just work part time and rely on the man to bring home the bacon...but I think we'll wait a good amount of years before we come to that. If school does become an option I think I would want to go into something like event planning or baking. But not just baking, something more than that, like cake decorating...that would be very cool and an enjoyable job!!
There are so many decisions in this regard that you don't really know where to start. The time will come and I will pursue something great and it will make up for these many years of pushing my way to the top. I will make my way in this world just you wait and see!!

On to brighter and shinier's Friday! Thank goodness, I thought the weekend would never come...I know that sounds cliche. Tonight will be the kick off to this glorious fall weekend! Unfortunately Adam works tonight so tonight will be pizza, popcorn and TV on the Internet(aka Survivor and Grey's Anatomy). I also will be baking birthday cupcakes for my wonderful man who will be celebrating his 25th birthday tomorrow! Tonight will be a nice relaxation period to store up my energy for Saturday! Tomorrow will include icing the cupcakes, cleaning the house and preparing for the birthday fun! We are going to celebrate with an "Around the World T-shirt" party which will include a bonfire and tasty treats. It will be so nice having a bonfire now that the weather is finally cooling down!! Sunday Adam is going hunting so I am still undecided on what I will do. I think I may paint so watercolor pictures or who knows maybe it will just be a movie day! Whatever happens this weekend, it will be great so I can't wait!

According to Environment Canada the weather is dropping down to my long awaited Autumn temperatures! So excited!!! The sweaters and scarves will come out and you can't even imagine how pumped I am for that!! I have already washed all of my scarves, mitts and hats to remove the awful musty smell so they're ready to go and so am I!! Yay Fall!!!

As for kitten status...Pancake has been M.I.A. for the last few days and is still not at our house. Yesterday I went to my mom's and all of the cats were in the barn except her. I think she senses I'm coming to take her away. The other option is she has decided to be promiscuous and is out seeking a boyfriend to impregnate her.

That is how the world is seen today. My advice for you is think things out and take time to enjoy yourself!

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