Today is the first official day of Fall. I do believe that it is time for celebration! If I currently wasn't feeling so ill I would get up to do a happy dance but in my current state "No, thank-you". This week the forecast still is showing warmer than normal temperatures but at least in the evening the temps are going down to respectable fall levels. I honestly cannot believe that it's the end of September and the grass is still brilliantly green. At least the trees are slowly turning to the beautiful hues of Autumn. It is so nice to be able to sleep and not melt to death! But apparently along with fall comes the ever dreaded change of season illness. It's no fun whatsoever! I am hoping with a little TLC I will be able to kick this ailment in the butt. Right now I am sitting back and enjoying a nice, warm, refreshing mug of peppermint tea. It's not only refreshing but it's also helping to settle my upset stomach; I highly suggest it if you're not feeling up to par.
I must say that I am loving the sounds of the geese flying south for the winter! One question I do have is where do they fly to? Is there this special "Northern Birds Only" Winter resort somewhere down in Mexico? Or do they just fly until it's warm and settle where the sun shines? And if indeed they are Canadian geese, what do they people in warmer climates say when suddenly this odd looking goose lands in their area. It's a conundrum! Also, do the same geese come back north to the same place they left? By my office there is this big landscaped area that the geese tend to hang out and you have to wonder will the same ones come back here in the spring.
Something very exciting that is coming with Fall is the fact that Adam and I are getting a new kitten. She is all black and fluffy and her name is Pancake. We are getting her from my Mom. I'm picking her up tomorrow night probably. Very excited!! It will be interesting to see how the dog and the cat react to this addition to our little family. Dyna the cat will most likely be rather peeved at first but she'll warm up to the new little one hopefully!
Halloween is just over a month away and I think that I have finally made my decision on the costume. I am going to be a witch. I know that it is one of the more common choices but I have always loved each time that I have been this particular character. Each time I dress as a witch the costume always has improvements or different styles but the costume is always great! This year I think I'm going to try to be a little bit "Hocus Pocus" in my style. I love the movie deeply and am going to enjoy taking examples from the characters. It shall be simply marvelous!
My conclusion is simple, " Have a wonderful first day of Autumn" Your sweaters are calling!
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